The End of History

Begun in 2005, with the Altars and Carcasses piece, The End of History series has been the focus of several significant exhibitions, in Bucharest, New York, Lisbon and London. The theme, explicitly formulated in the title, has become the main 'inspiration engine'  for the artist, who keeps the series open, adding new works over the past ten years and more

selection of works
The End of History

El Angel Exterminador

Developed in large-scale compositions between 2016 and 2017, the El Angel Exterminador series connects Fikl with the surrealist backdrop and the social criticism semantics prevailing in the cinematography of Luis Buñuel 

selection of works
El Angel Exterminador


Derived from the End of History, the Ceilings series opened in 2018 and contains works in which the artist focuses on the upper area of interiors: spectacular-baroque ceilings or even the open sky create paradoxical spaces

selection of works


The first to become a series as such, with a collection of powerful works in the early 2000s, the Baroque is defined  by its baroque style, of Central European extraction, which has, over time,  become the unmistakable trade-mark of the artist: opulent theatrical settings populated by powerful animals and existential anxiety

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Neon Heart

In an non-characteristic pictorial approach, the Neon Heart series was created in 2020-2021, during the pandemic, inspired by the last work in the Tavane (Ceilings) series; it investigates, in a cinematic neon chromaticism reminiscent of Refn, traditional peasant spaces besieged by the existential danger of the loss of identity

selection of works
Neon Heart

Gentle Beasts

A series of animal portraits, in small format, which are often transformed into history-imbued objects by virtue of their vintage-frames, discovered by the artist in various Transylvanian antiques collections

selection of works
Gentle Beasts
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